So Donald Trump is still in the running for the presidency of the United States and no one but his supporters can quite believe it. There are any number of words you could use to describe him and none of them suggest he would be good for the White House. Racist. Stupid. Greedy. Misogynist. The list goes on.

I’m not going to get into a political debate but this is a guy who wants to build a wall on the Mexican border and thinks he can make Mexico pay for it. This is a guy who has insulted Muslims, even those in the U.S. Army. He has numerous sexual assault claims against him and, again, the list goes on.

Is he the worst possible candidate for the U.S. Presidency? Well, maybe not. Here are 5 characters in the world of video games who would be a worse president than Donald Trump.

1. Trevor Phillips

GTA5 images via the press kit.

Grand Theft Auto 5’s Trevor Phillips is a terrible, terrible person. Based on Charles Bronson, the most violent prisoner in the UK, and played by Steven Ogg.

When we first meet Trevor, he has his way with a seemingly uninterested woman and then beats her husband to death for not being happy about it. Trevor talks to the brain residue on his boot and then slaughters a whole biker gang. Trevor forces his disciple Wade’s cousin to put them up and break the law and then proceeds to slaughter him and his wife.

Trevor Phillips is a maniac, a drug-dealer, and a murderer. He is mentally unhinged and psychotic. There is nothing nice anyone can say about Trevor. Literally nothing.vfdeo6kgu0o4cyzd0sng

How would that work in the White House? About as well as you would expect. American diplomacy would be a thing of the past. Meeting with foreign leaders would turn into a blood bath and it is hard to imagine he has any kind of legitimate economic policy. Just, Trevor Phillips is a terrible person, let alone potential president.

2. The Illusive Man (Mass Effect)

maxresdefault.jpgThe Illusive Man is the leader of the pro-human Cerberus group in the Mass Effect series, played by Michael Sheen. He is an ultra-wealthy businessman(?) with an eye for politics. Sound familiar?

In many ways, the two are similar. The Illusive Man is radically pro-human and seems to hate other races. Trump is almost as radically pro-American and seems to hate anything else.

In fact, if Mass Effect 2 had been made later, it might have seemed as though the Illusive Man was modelled on Trump.

That being said, the Illusive Man would definitely be a worse President. There is no doubting his genuine passion and his opinions are perhaps understandable but that’s not everything. The Illusive Man has his own private army and perhaps the most advanced technology in the galaxy and it’s easy to think that having such things might not be good for democracy. Oh, what’s that? Congress has blocked a proposal? Let’s just park my ludicrously well-armed private army outside and see if they still block it.

The Illusive Man is a dictatorial leader of an extremist terrorist group with his own army and almost no limits and, think what you want of Trump, but he ain’t that.

3. Vaas Montenegro

Image available for download here:

Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is?

Yes, obviously, Vaas Montenegro would be a worse president than Donald Trump. In truth, many of Far Cry’s villains would be. Pagan Min probably. Both the good guys too. Amita, with her child soldiers and drug state. Sabal, with his marriage to a little girl.

Vaas takes the prize, though, as our favourite and the most unfit to rule the world’s second most powerful country. He is an absolute psychopath, a drug fiend, a murderer and everything under the sun.

The Far Cry wiki describes him thusly: “Close observation shows that he is a reckless, violent, sadistic, brutal, unpredictable, cynical, machiavellian, psychopathic, insane, extremely prideful and remourseless [sic] pirate lord with a dark sense of humor and a frighteningly violent personality who is feared even by his own men, some of whom are as chaotic and psychotic as Vaas.”

Basically, he is absolutely fucking nuts. To his credit, he can control men well and is a good leader, keeping order through fear, but that would not make him a good President. Obviously. I mean, he even killed McLovin!

A good President is strong and clever, calm and just. Vaas is strong and charismatic but he is also literally frighteneing and, did I mention?, completely fucking nuts. And yet- And yet!- we all still love Vaas!

Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?

4. Vladimir Makarov

maxresdefault (1).jpgThere are so many reasons why Vladimir Makarov of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare series would be the worst president of all time. How do we now? Well, he did lead a country.

Makarov is the leader of the Russian Ultranationalists and well, frankly, a massive mass-murderer. He attacked a Russian Airport and massacres just about everyone inside with an unsuspecting C.I.A. agent. He launched massive invasions throughout Europe and abducted a Russian President. He detonated a nuclear bomb. Ummm… Anything else?


Makarov is good at getting what he wants but what he wants is what a Russian Ultranationalist would want: world war, mass murder, lots and lots of money and power. Those are things you don’t want in a president and, hopefully, things Trump wouldn’t deliver if he was somehow voted in.

Makarov had control of a nation and did all those things, even taking down the Eiffel Tower as he bombed the romance out of Paris.

And a Russian man couldn’t be U.S. President anyway! Remember, no Russian.

5. Handsome Jack

video_994.jpgWell, where to start with Handsome Jack? So, the first thing you want in a president would likely be a healthy respect for the democratic process, yeah? Not with Handsome Jack, who murdered the previous president of the Hyperion Corporation to usurp the position for himself. No matter what he did, I think a president who kills his way to the top is automatically a pretty awful one.

Handsome Jack is perhaps the most egotistical person that had ever been conceived of ever! He tries to manipulate everyone, including Vault Hunters, steals credit for anything and everything, uses his daughter as a weapon and calls himself ‘Handsome’ Jack. Come on!

Jack even goes as far as to destroy whole settlements, like New Haven, murders and tortures his way to information and objects he wants. He has a whole lot of attitude and sass and seems to be on your case the whole time you are trying to kill him.

Trump is many terrible things but it is hard to imagine him destroying whole American cities or murdering Obama to get to that Oval Office. I also don’t think he will use a private army belonging to a massive corporation to seize control of a whole planet. I also don’t think Trump has a living horse made of diamond called ‘Butt Stallion’.

Handsome Jack does and has all of those things. Not great, right?

Which other gaming characters would be a worse fit for the White House than Donald Trump?